We have many meetings throughout the year. Most of them are on our published schedule. As other meetings come up, they will be posted on the website.
If any residents would like to use our board room for a meeting please contact our office to see if we can accommodate your needs.
Burn Permits
Below is a link to download and print out the Burn Permit. You must print it out, sign it and get it signed at the Township before it is in effect. Burn Permits are available at the Township hall during regular business hours.
Burn Permit Form
Garage Sale Permit
Below is a link to download and print out the Garage Sale Permit.
Garage Sale Permit Form
153 Ordinance
Both files are in .pdf format which requires Adobe Reader or any related program that will be able to view them. If you do not have Adobe Reader installed, click on the icon below to download the program.

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