Please have your trash, compost and recycling out by: 7:00 a.m. on FRIDAYS
Emterra Environmental U.S.A
For any questions or concerns regarding trash pick up you may contact Dan Garman directly at 810-397-0610
General Information
RECYCLING AND COMPOST PICKUP IS PROVIDED BI- WEEKLY (see Calendar). If a holiday falls on or before your scheduled day, pickup will be one (1) day later than normal. OBSERVED HOLIDAYS ARE: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
All materials should be set at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled day of pickup. Containers should not weigh more than fifty (50) pounds each. For those with special pickup (such as elderly or Handicap) needs contact your Township Office.
UNACCEPTABLE MATERIAL: Tires, Concrete, Fencing, Contractor Generated Materials, Free Liquids (paints, pesticides), Car Parts, Appliances containing Freon, and Fluorescent bulbs (in excess of seven per household), Car Batteries.
Yard Waste Information
Yard waste collection is from April through end of November. Place yard wastes in brown yard waste bags or in plastic 30-gallon containers clearly marked "X" facing the street. Branches are to be no more than two (2) inches in diameter must be tied in bundles, nothing longer than four (4) feet in length. Bundles and containers must weigh less than 50 pounds. No tree stumps or trunks are accepted. No compost will be accepted in plastic bags.
Recyclable Items - No Plastic Bags!
Recycling bins and stickers are available by calling your Township Hall 810-653-3564.
For a replacement bin you must bring your damaged bin back to the Township.
You Do Not Need to Sort Recyclable Items
NEWSPAPER - Place newspapers, phone books, magazines & glossy newspaper inserts in brown paper bags or bundle and tie with string.
CARDBOARD - Clean corrugated cardboard must be bundled and tied in two (2) foot squares, not exceeding a thickness of one (1) foot. NO DUCT TAPE.
PLASTIC - #1-7 plastic should be rinsed clean with cap removed. No motor oil, anti-freeze, or cooking oil containers please.
CANS - Clean tin and aluminum cans. These items may be flattened to conserve space in your container.
CHRISTMAS TREES - Christmas trees will be picked up with the normal household refuse from December 26th through January 15th. All large trees must be in bundles less than 4 feet long, weigh less than 50 pounds, and no tree limbs in excess of 2" in diameter.
GLASS- Clear, brown and green empty glass. The glass must be rinsed out.
Landfill Privileges
Residents must come into the Township Hall, show their drivers license, and have a pass filled out. The free dump pass is for Brent Run Landfill in Montrose.
Recycling Schedule
2025 Recycling & Trash Collection Schedule